- Homer

Welcome to our TC&A March 2024 newsletter. We look forward to this new month and the opportunity to connect with you. We know, in staying true to who we are with our choices for human connection, along with being true to the integrity of our Leadership – our choices, connection and character influence all of our outcomes.

At the core of our Leadership Coaching, we genuinely, “CHOOSE YOU!”

As we focus our mindset for the month of March, we find it helpful to define words. It supports us being aligned together when we understand the meaning of the words we use.

As we use the word…


it means BEING

The word…



As we reflect on the bigger picture of having “Human Connection,” the overall experience is “BEING IN RELATIONSHIP” with others.

We bring Leadership Coaching to all individuals and organizations who choose to have an open mind and a willingness to learn. We believe in the leadership journey to transform lives, which increases the engagement of team members and connects the overall culture of an organization towards a greater purpose and mission.

Within our Leadership Coaching, our TC&A human connection is through our program called, “The Engagement Blueprint” (TEB). As we take teams and cohorts through the learning of TEB, we ask for take-aways at the end of our meeting. It is not surprising to us and yet, it is surprising to many who participate in the six Learnings and Exercises that “Human Connection” is a common denominator and take-away from the overall learning experience. Yes, there are more take-aways referring to the topics and resources of the reading and exercises and yet, the thought of connecting, aligning, understanding, being vulnerable, happy and understanding co-workers are powerful take-aways. 

Here are some reflections and thoughtful take-aways on the importance of having “Human Connections”:

  • “Despite our different backgrounds and geography, we are aligned and I can sense the synergy being aligned with the group. I do not work with or interact with those in this meeting, but we are all part of the same organization.”

  • “Working with thoughtful people, along with the thought-provoking exercises has helped me to further understand my own self and others.”

  • “It is nice to feel safe within the group where I can be more vulnerable.”

  • “I am happy to be together. It reminds me that we are more than just a title, we are human. It will make it easier for me to communicate from here on.”

  • “I now know how I can help others and give back to others.”

  • “Now, I know how I can extend grace differently in conversations.”

  • “I’ve learned so much from my colleagues today.”

  • “It’s nice to get to know people outside of my team in the organization.”

  • “I really like the learning and the connection with one another, today.”

  • “I don’t feel so alone. I feel included.”

Perhaps one of these statements stands out to you and you would like to experience this within your own organization. Our intention in sharing the take-aways comes from the focus for our March newsletter:


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