Leading With Grace

This Holiday Season, ALL of us at TC&A - Encourage you to stay engaged and to be the expression of GRACE in Life and Love in human form.

I will never forget, November 14, 2019. I was looking forward to traveling to Oxnard, California to lead and coach several clients through our TC&A Leadership Strategy Exercise. As you well know, I thoroughly enjoy my calling as an Executive Leadership Coach.

As I waited at a stop sign near my home and gathered my thoughts for the day, several police cars, ambulances, and paramedics drove down the hill at high speed with their sirens blaring.

We live in an area that is prone to fires. I thought, “I wonder where the fire might be?” It was early in the morning at 7:30 am - I questioned, “Maybe, there was a car accident near the High School?” I said a quick prayer, “May everything and everyone be okay and be covered with ‘grace’.”

As I was driving, I received a text from one of my associates, Ashley. She wrote, “There’s been a shooting at Saugus High School.” Not knowing any of the details, my heart was immediately concerned for those impacted by the tragedy.

Instantly, my mind went to all of my memories at Saugus High School. My son, Justin and daughter, Chelsea went to this school. The years of friendships and community, as my husband and I raised our children are part of the school. I didn’t know all that was unfolding in the moments as I drove to lead, coach and engage with my clients - My heart could not help, but feel broken for all that was transpiring. When I talked to my husband, he told me that our neighborhood had been completely blocked off. They were looking for the shooter. Later, it would be disclosed that the shooter lived in our neighborhood. 

How does one process a tragedy - the pain, sorrow, grief, sadness and helplessness that overcomes you when…you have no control? 


Two teenagers, Dominic Blackwell and Gracie Muelberger passed away due to their gun shot wounds. Their families will only survive by GRACE. Gracie’s dad, Bryan communicated the following at her celebration of life service: 

“She was able to make a larger impact on more people and more communities than most of us will do in a lifetime.” 

During the Holiday Season, may you lead your life with GRACE. What might GRACE look like for you and your leadership, as you set the tone for GRACE? 

GRACE may simply be exhibited in the following ways:

  • Being Polite to Others

  • Being Kind to Others

  • Being Generous to Others

  • Being a Blessing to Others

  • Praying for Others

  • Praying for the Meal you are about to partake

  • Praying to be a Gift of Grace to humankind

  • Praying to be an Expression of Joy

As a leader of yourself…FIRST – Your personal and professional Leadership calling and purpose is for you to seize the opportunities and choose to be the evidence of GRACE within your core family and extended family. This time of year, you can be an extension of GRACE to your friends, co-workers and those you may not even know or have a personal relationship. You will have many chances to bring GRACE within your work and relationships with your:

  • Mindset: the way you think

  • Communication: the way you process information

  • Ability to manage challenges: the way you use your skills and competencies

  • Capacity to organize what needs to be done: the way you create order and reliability when accomplishing things

This Holiday Season, ALL of us at TC&A - Encourage you to stay engaged and to be the expression of GRACE in Life and Love in human form.

We always want the best for you and we are here for you…ALWAYS.