Overcome Burnout

Create Meaning Through Self-Care

Create Meaning Through Self-Care

At TC&A we want you to feel GOOD.

We want you to feel BETTER than you even thought possible.

We want you to sustain your ENERGY and prevent burnout, while doing the work you love and creating the life that is the most meaningful to you.

So, you may be wondering how do I achieve the “feeling GOOD and BETTER,” while sustaining my ENERGY and remain effective and productive? You may be thinking, “I have so much to do, I can’t possibly fit in another task or commit to one more thing.”

Motivated To Be Of Service

Motivated To Be Of Service

I have always been MOTIVATED to be of service to others. It is a core piece of who I am. It's why I thrived working in hospitality and it's what drives me to continue supporting others on their professional journeys. When the pandemic hit, I knew there would be a unique opportunity to:

Not just share my own story with how I overcame burnout

BUT, how I choose to live with sustainable energy and a positive mindset.

Overcome Burnout & Love Your Work Course Opportunity

Overcome Burnout & Love Your Work Course Opportunity

Your story matters! Not only does your story matter, you are the author of your story. While you can't go back and change the past of your story, you absolutely have the power to write your present and future story.

I know the power of writing my present and future story to be true, as I continue to pivot and write my own story. When the pandemic hit, I knew I had the opportunity to influence teams and individuals in a new way. It was an adjustment to change my mindset and took focused energy to be creative in a time of chaos, despair and at times, even hopelessness.