You Are Worthy

Create Meaning Through Self-Care

Create Meaning Through Self-Care

At TC&A we want you to feel GOOD.

We want you to feel BETTER than you even thought possible.

We want you to sustain your ENERGY and prevent burnout, while doing the work you love and creating the life that is the most meaningful to you.

So, you may be wondering how do I achieve the “feeling GOOD and BETTER,” while sustaining my ENERGY and remain effective and productive? You may be thinking, “I have so much to do, I can’t possibly fit in another task or commit to one more thing.”

Writing to be of service – Releasing attachment to specific outcomes

Writing to be of service – Releasing attachment to specific outcomes

We gave a month’s notice which was, in full transparency, no way deserved. We had endured months of verbal and emotional abuse thinking if … we just worked harder and smarter the owners’ thoughts, words and behaviors would adjust and change. At some point, we really believed they would be proud of the work we had set out to do and the work we had accomplished with our vast experience in the hospitality industry. We were professionals with decades of experience in hospitality and while we had made the business a success with growth and deliverables month after month – it was truly...a beautiful prison. And, we had to escape.

Writing to be of service  - YOU are Essential  

Writing to be of service  - YOU are Essential  

YOU are Essential

Who you are … MATTERS. Allow this simple sentence to sink in. Who you are .... MATTERS.

Within the circles I follow and engage on social media from hospitality, leadership, self-development and self-care, fitness, healthy eating and inner peace – the theme of “valuing ourselves” and taking this time to recognize what we truly value, is a consistent message.