
Writing to be of service  - YOU are Essential  

Writing to be of service  - YOU are Essential  

YOU are Essential

Who you are … MATTERS. Allow this simple sentence to sink in. Who you are .... MATTERS.

Within the circles I follow and engage on social media from hospitality, leadership, self-development and self-care, fitness, healthy eating and inner peace – the theme of “valuing ourselves” and taking this time to recognize what we truly value, is a consistent message.

Writing to Be of Service - A Heartfelt Check-in and Guide to Releasing Judgement

Writing to Be of Service - A Heartfelt Check-in and Guide to Releasing Judgement

We are one month (if not more for some) into social distancing, staying at home, not seeing our family, friends and co-workers. We have been forced into working from home, going to work as essential workers or going to our place of work under limited conditions. Many of us are facing new realities of working overtime and under extreme circumstances. And, at the same time, being expected to instantly create a new normal that works for us, our families and everyone around us.

Building Strong Relationships

Building Strong Relationships

We’re curious:

How are you doing in building strong relationships?  Are you being intentional in building strong relationships?  Are your relationships creating meaning in your life? On a scale of 1 – 5 (1 being low and 5 being high), how would you rate your ability to build strong relationships?